Automated incident management

Automated Incident Management: How To Choose & Use Your Software

These issues can be addressed and more by using an incident management process. This can help you prioritize issues, give transparency, and allow your team to quickly resolve any issues.

An automated incident management system is required to achieve this feat at scale. Let’s look at what this can look like, and why it is so important. But let’s first define IT automation.

What’s Automated Incident Management?

Automated incident management

This is the use of AI and automation to automate an incident management process from beginning to end. This is possible by using a business event (e.g. A ticket being created that triggers real-time outcomes (e.g. A ticket being assigned to an agent.

Examples for Automated Incident Management

This definition being understood, here are two examples of automated incident management that vary in importance and how they are handled.

1. Product bugs that impact customer experience

If your application is experiencing technical issues, it’s important to fix the problem as soon as possible.

Here are some ways that automated incident management can help you achieve this:

1. When an employee is aware of a product bug, they can trigger the workflow by opening a ticket in a chat platform like Slack. If the problem is only applicable to one customer, this involves giving information about the issue and a description.

2. A platform bot can communicate between your chat tool and other systems, creating the ticket in Zendesk.

Automated incident management

Once the bot is created, it asks you if you would like to escalate the issue to engineering. Since the issue is important, you click “Yes”. This creates a ticket on Jira populate. This is the platform that engineers use to manage their work.

3. The bot sends the ticket to #escalated tickets. The ticket can be found by the relevant stakeholders and created a channel for the exclusive handling of the product bug issue.

4. Anybody who is working on the issue can comment in the ticket or change its status via chat.

Once the issue is resolved, agents can close it and archive the channel. The employee who submitted the request immediately gets notified.

2. Printer connectivity issues

Like the previous incident above, simple and less-business-critical issues, such as a printer connectivity problem, can be dealt with without the need for human intervention.

This chat bot can be used to resolve the issue. It functions like an IT Support Desk. This is how it can work:

1. Employee has difficulty printing their document on the office printer.

2. The chat bot is able to answer questions about the issue via a platform such as Slack.

3. The bot uses AI to provide a relevant answer (which it pulls directly from your knowledge base). This could be tips and tricks for troubleshooting your printer’s connection.

4. If the bot is still unable to help an employee, a ticket is filed. This follows the procedure outlined in the previous example.

Why is Automated Incident Management Important?

Automated incident management is possible. You now know what it does and how valuable it can be for your agents, users, and your entire organization. Here are some of the key benefits.

1. Agents can focus on solving incidents.

Agents are forced to enter double data when managing incidents manually. This leaves them open to making mistakes (e.g. It is easy to forget to update the status of an issue in a system.

Your agents will be able to avoid manual tasks and app-hopping by using an automated incident management software. Instead, they can use that time to resolve more tickets quickly, which will improve customer and employee satisfaction.

2. It allows employees to easily track the progress of their tickets.

Most likely, your employees want to be kept in the loop on any issue that they raise.

Automated incident management

Automated incident management can give them the transparency they desire. How? Employees can be notified via chat whenever a ticket is submitted. This includes when the agent assigns it to them and when it is resolved. This way, employees are kept in the loop without having to go to a specific application and don’t need to ask agents for status updates.

3. It can give your company a competitive edge.

In the area of incident management, organizations are not doing enough. IBM research has shown that 77% of organizations lack a consistent plan for responding to cyber security incidents across departments.

Your organization will have a competitive advantage if it automates incident management processes for cyber security issues.

Are you ready to implement an automated incident management system?

To automate your incident management system,enterprise platform robot. Talk to one of our automation specialists for more information!

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